Link from Your Site to Mondo Politico!
Like what you see at Mondo Politico? Why keep it a secret!?
Feel free to
add a link to from your web site. We've provided
three designs from which to choose (please do not design your own:
Mondo Politico is a trade name). Just right-click on your mouse while
hovering over the image of your choice. Then just save the image and
add it to your web page with a link to
to the part of Mondo Politico that relates to your site.
Our main condition:
post only the image (and the html to make it link to,
of course). Mondo Politico is non-partisan. Mondo Politico does not
endorse the views of any person or organization and is not associated
with or in partnership with any person, organization, ideology, cause,
party, country etc.. Do not suggest, on your site, that Mondo Politico
does or is! Mondo Politico reserves all legal rights and may withdraw
from any given person permission to use a Mondo Politico image. If
that's all acceptable: link away!
We will be
adding more banners over time. If you have a suggested design, please
feel free to e-mail it to
In the meantime:
Have fun, be polite, and make waves.