Elections Web Site Navigator
Welcome to Mondo Politico's Government Elections
Web Site Navigator. Here you will be able to find
the elections web sites operated by governments
in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand
and Ireland. To view an elections site, specify
a country and a jurisdiction. Then just press the
"Show Elections Site"
(see note*, below, if you do not see a "Show
Elections Site" button).
Note: The Mondo Politico
Government Elections Web Site Navigator meets
with current World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards
and is optimized for Microsoft
Internet Explorer version 5. Netscape versions
4 and earlier do not recognize certain W3C standards
related to the appearance and functionality of
the Mondo Politico site. If you would prefer
to continue using Netscape, you will need to download
Netscape version 6.1 or higher to use the
Government Elections Web Site Navigator.
In the alternative, you can view this page as
it was intended to be seen using Microsoft Internet